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Fall 2024

You guys, September was a blur.  Work was incredibly busy, Bryan spent most of the month out of town, and we capped it all off with a trip to Hawaii with Bryan’s parents. What can I say about Hawaii that hasn’t been said before?  It was gorgeous - the landscape, the people, the weather.  We greeted every sunrise over the water and I still can’t get over how many wild chickens were roaming the island.  I ate as much spam musubi as was physically possible.  It was a bucket list trip for both Bryan and his mom and we even played 9 holes of golf at a fantastic public course.  I think his family now wants to go back and explore other islands in the chain. On the more exciting (read sarcastically) side, Dalton had a severe case of scratches on his back right foot for most of September.  For the first week, trainer and I treated it with Fungasol shampoo, Equiderma skin lotion, and EquiShield CK HC salve.  Just when we thought all the scabs were gone, overnight they came back with a fury and w

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