EOW No. 33

Every single time I reach the end of the work week and am hanging on the precipice that is the weekend, I feel like I've achieved A Great Thing.  I've survived, I've made it, which I suppose really translates into "I've made it through another week without totally losing my sh*t."  And it does seem that these days, there is so much to lose your sh*t over.  Work, family, whatever disaster is striking the world this week, the weather, the animals, you name it, I've probably been close to losing it at some point during the week on that particular topic.  Although, it occurs to me just right now, what is wrong with losing it?  If something is wrong with something that you care about, isn't the appropriate response to have a BIG reaction about it?  Bruce Lee is credited with the saying "Be Like Water" but he only lived to 32.  Maybe if he made it to his 40s, he'd be a lot less like water.

This weekend, we are about to get another freeze AGAIN.  Which means another week of crossing all of our fingers and toes with everything relating to the horses and our house.  Keep us thin-blooded Texans in your thoughts.  And maybe don't be like water.  Maybe be like ice - slick, sharp, and even a little dangerous.

The Links for the Week:

Science-backed mood boosters to (almost instantly) snap you out of a funk - I am guessing most adults already know these tips and tricks (go for a walk) but a reminder never hurt, especially if it's communicated in comic form.  Making art is something that I've been thinking about a lot and how the act of creation is something I'd like to do more of.

I checked out a mess of cookbooks from the library last week and the one I liked the most was Pass the Plate by Carolina Gelen.  I made her roasted broccoli with cheese sauce and bread crumbs and it was GOOD - Bryan and I almost ate two heads of broccoli in one meal between the two of us.  Her recipes are very vegetable forward and many of them are vegetarian friendly.

If you are a stationery junkie like me, you likely send out cards for every holiday and not just Christmas.  If so, I highly recommend Ramus & Co.  They have some really fun greeting card designs and I've been ordering from them steadily for the last three years.  They're running a special on free shipping over $25 and have some cute Valentine's Day cards.  This is not a sponsored post - I just really enjoy their products!


  1. I laughed at your comments about Bruce Lee. The weather has been outrageous this year. Hang on, spring is coming.

    1. It doesn't feel like we ever catch a break in TX with our weather but honestly, the freeze this week hasn't been too awful. At least there hasn't been any ice / snow mixed in with it!

  2. Stay warm. I mean it's frigid here as well but we are used to it. I agree.. you can be like water when you are old and done but right now is the time to be like ice.

  3. "Maybe if he made it to his 40s, he'd be a lot less like water."....LOL:D
    And thanks for the heads up on that cookbook! I've never heard of her before. I really need to eat more veggies too so her book sounds great!

    1. My sassiness must be coming out with old age as well lolol


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