Temps are up and so are the jumps!

In the last episode of the horse saga, I was back to riding (quite gingerly) and we were starting to deal with spring weather (read wet and soggy).  Summer temps and the humidity (oh the humidity) have now hit us in full force and we're all slogging through it.

After the hose down, still so hot

I'm happy to report that the horses are both doing wonderfully.  Mae looks really really nice this spring / summer - her vet and the other trainers at the barn have all commented on how fit and healthy she looks.  She has fewer spooky/amped up moments and when she does, her brain and body come back to me much faster.  I can reassure her with words and a slight vibration of the rein and she'll remember that I'm there and won't let anything bad happen to her.  Unlike my other stall baby, she is genuinely happy to get out of the barn and puttering around the arenas with me.  Outside, she can start off really stiff and bunched up but soon her ears are perked and her body starts to loosen up.  Mae has been so fun and relaxing to ride and it's been decompressing for both of us.

Now let's talk about the dinosaur in the barn.  Dalton is still (!!!) growing.  Guys, he is currently at least 18HH and 1500 lbs.  Our vet confirmed he's still going through growth spurts and cautioned about overfeeding, lest we overtax his joints and ruin them forever.  He is a BIG BOY but also a good egg.  We have been jumping courses!  At the canter!  It shouldn't be shocking since that's what he has been bred to do but he's now able to pick distances and carry himself over jumps vs. being micromanaged every step of the way.

For how large he is and how long his stride is, he is easily adjustable.  We spent some time a few weeks ago working solely on jumping a line in a lesson and I was able to add strides in between the jumps.  He's also been asking the rider questions before jumps - should we do it or should we not do it?  I took a short approach to a diagonal last month and I could feel him ask me - do you want this one or...?  I asked him to take it and it did.  Connection with your horse over fences - it feels ridiculously good.

In typical young horse fashion, he does tend to wiggle before jumps, in between jumps, after jumps.  He does NOT like his face being touched so we've really been working that a seat / leg ride, which is actually fun.  And because he is large and still growing, he gets tired very easily.  He is also still easily distracted, particularly if people / horses are coming in and out of the arena.  So we stick with shorter lessons that have one objective.  The lessons are hard but I am proud of him (and he is so proud of himself) at the end of each one.

With both of the ponies, we're not training for a specific event or a competition.  I'm trying to keep Mae happy and healthy and in a position where she is comfortable and her spine is supported by a strong topline.  Dalton loves to jump and he is genuinely so pleased with himself when he figures out a piece of training.  And honestly, I don't think it gets any better than that.


  1. omgosh he's HUGE!! looking great too -- glad you guys are having so much fun!!

    1. I need to get some video of us doing a course - I feel like the bigger they are, the more dramatic everything feels (but looks like nothing)!

  2. OMG 18 hands?! He’s handsome too. I’m glad Mae is doing well.

  3. yay on both your kids doing well. He is a MONSTER! :) Do you get nosebleeds up there??

    1. It's a looooong way to fall, that's for sure

  4. That's wonderful. he is so beautiful. Sorry to hear about the weather.. ours is still cool here.

  5. Oh em gee! Dalton is HUUUUGE!!!!
    PS Am totally loving the all-black outfit, Ruth:)

    1. I don't have much diversification with colour in my wardrobe ;)

  6. Its still just surprising that Dalton keeps growing. But happy ponies who like their jobs really is the best part of this isn't it?


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