All you need is love


We ended up getting a ton of submissions for the Valentine's Day haiku contest (thank you!) and I hope you all had fun flexing your creative muscles.  As all of the entries were so brilliantly penned, Amy and I found it impossible to make the final decision on the winner of the contest.  So, we're asking for your help.  Please pick your favourite haiku out of the four listed before midnight on Valentine's Day to be the GRAND PRIZE WINNER.


Oh Valentine's Day
What am I going to do?
Netflix or Hulu?


Later he called back
Trepidation audible
Why even bother?


Just suck it, you sheep
yes, I’m 30 and single
she wolf, howling free


Celebrating love...
So here is a teddy bear
Purchased from Rite-Aid.


  1. Oh it has to be #3 for me. Brilliant and something I can relate too! Awesome entries though!


  2. #1 is my favorite, followed by #3.

  3. In the beginning I misunderstood,
    But now I got it, the Word is good.

    Have you heard the Word is love?

    (Different song, but so good.)

  4. Oh I LOVE #1, and #4, too. xo

  5. These are all so great, but I really love #1!

  6. I got side-tracked and didn't finish my real submission on love. But here is an anti-submission on the unfairness of Valentine's Day.

    Valentine’s is here.
    Supposed to be for men too.
    But where is my card?

    Or gift or date I didn't pay for??? :D

  7. they are all so good! #1 though.
    happy valentine's day!!

  8. All of these made me laugh - you have such talented readers! I think my favorite would have to be #1!

  9. So tough! I'll choose #3 because it is good to enjoy being single. It irks me when people complain about their singleness. Enjoy it. Learn from it. There will never be a time like this.

  10. All fantastic, but OMG, #1 kicks Valentine's Day ass so hard. I LOVE IT :-)

  11. Ooh, they're all great but #1 made me laugh so hard!

  12. oh these are all fantastic. but #1. that's priceless!

  13. These are brilliant!! I couldn't even choose a winner (although #4 had me laughing out loud)!

  14. #3... How come you're even asking? ;)

  15. Oh, I guess I am too late! :( But I love all of them!

  16. I've been so busy I missed this post!!!! I am very pleased I made it to the final 4 :D that's good enough for me!!!!!

  17. Also, let's do this contest more often :)

  18. Oh, #1 for sure, because RHYMING! Althought #4 a close second, because you can get everything at the drug store and I just had a conversation with bunch of women who were planning to make there Valentine's Day purchases at Walgreens.

    I agree with Ashley, MORE!

  19. What is my dilemma? First I forget to attempt a haiku . . . then I forget to vote? Sigh.

    But I'm thinking I would have gone with #1. So hard to choose, but I'm thinking #1 . . . :)

  20. Oh gosh I adore number 3!!!!!!!! Still haven't exactly gotten the gist of haiku's .. please do a post on how they work and I'd love to participate in the next one xx

  21. I know I missed the deadline, but I love #3. :)


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