Rising from the (almost) dead


I feel like a new woman and probably because for the majority of this week, I felt like a dead woman.  I was knocked down on Wednesday by a mysterious stomach bug (mysterious because I don't know how I caught it and no one else around me has had it) and that bug laid the righteous smack down on me.  I slept for an estimated 48 hours in a three day time span and managed to ignore basically every other part of my life, including eating.  Luckily, after hitting a high point with the fever yesterday evening, I woke up feeling well enough today to hit a full agenda of activities, what with people visiting from out of town and a graduation this morning.

And tonight, I'm hosting a dinner party at my apartment, the first one I've held since I moved to Dallas (yes, I've been here for over two years, shhh!).  We're catering the food in, thank goodness because there would have been no way I would have been in any state to cook.  I'm all prepped with beverages and desserts... except I just realized that for a party of six, I only have seating for five.  Worst case scenario, I can take all of my hardbacks, pile them up, and teeter precariously from atop.  Or steal one from the apartment clubhouse.  Or sit on my saddle rack.

Or maybe just go to Target and buy an extra chair.

I'll let you sit on pins and needles to find out the conclusion to this one...


  1. lol, have fun. and go for the book option. i can so see you on a huge cushion on top of a pile of books. xoxo

  2. ooh, yay for a dinner party! and glad to hear that you are feeling better. stomach bugs are no fun.

  3. Yes, you did much more than I did on Sunday! I'm curious about the seating and very interested in hearing about the desserts. :)

    Hope you get plenty of rest between activities this week as your stamina rebuilds.

  4. My guess is you went for the saddle rack option. Lol.
    Sorry to hear about the bug...sounds terrible! Hope you're 100% now, we've been sick here too :(

  5. I'm glad you're feeling better, stomach bugs are the worst! At Thanksgiving someone always has to bring extra chairs so you could nominate someone to do that {though the saddle rack seems like it would be good for your abs}.

  6. Ugh on the stomach flu, but good to know you're better now:) So, how did the party go? :D

  7. Ohh stomach bugs, woof. I mysteriously caught one last Saturday, too! I was only waylaid for 24 hours, though, thank god. You are a super champion for rallying and hosting a dinner party right afterwards. And I would have gladly accepted a stack of books ;) xo

  8. Oh man, I hope you're feeling much better! And I once threw a dinner party where one of my friends had to drag a chair from their apartment down the street to our place. BYOC is the new BYOB!

  9. Giiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiirl, I know exactly how you felt because I had the exact same thing. Except, I knew where it came from -- my daughter, who got it from daycare. I was for less than 24 hrs but I still can't eat without feeling queesy a week later. My mom was knocked out for like 24 hrs after I got it. That was some strong bug!

    Hope you had a great dinner party and everyone had somewhere to sit.

  10. Fortunately, you're feeling fine now. Hope you had a successful dinner party! :)

  11. Oh Rooth! What a nasty bug :o I'm glad you are recovering from it
    and what a great comeback to do it with a dinner party c:
    Let us know if you bought a chair at target or not! Xx
    Ice Pandora

  12. The stomach flu is the worst...hope you're feeling better, and hope you had a wonderful dinner party!


  13. Oh, so glad you are feeling better! Stomach bugs are so annoying! I can hardly move my neck at the moment which is kind of annoying as well. I would not mind sitting on lots of books by the way.


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