Bear with me

It’s all been like a waking dream lately.  

My sister stalks rainbows cast by the morning light.  She leaves a path of gummy bears in her wake; we’re still finding them hidden in flower pots and perched on bookshelves.  

In mid-December, we run shirtless through the streets, laughing and shielding our eyes from the sun’s glare.  I blink, and suddenly I’m holed up in my closet surrounded by candles, Swedish fish, and books, riding out a tornado and thunderstorm that vanishes almost as quickly as it crept up on us.  

The full moon rises, and vampires, outfitted in black velvet, stalk the night.  I am not afraid but always wary, as you must be with all creatures of the night.  We all drink too much coffee, which does nothing to make me more awake.  Even the most action-packed of moments make me feel sleepy and ready to settle in for hibernation.  

Bruises dapple my skin, origins unknown.  Where do they come from and why won’t they go away?  

It will be January soon and a brand new year; it means new beginnings and a chance to reboot.  Except that every single day has been a blank slate, and I’ve been scribbling quite furiously.  Holidaze indeed.


  1. These super positive posts, I'm loving them :)

  2. Holidaze indeed:) Wishing you a Happy New Year, my dear Rooth, and here's to a days ahead filled with more rainbows and unicorns and gummy bears:)

  3. love it. holidaze---oh, yes. i know all about it.

  4. I love your style. But you knew that already.

  5. Wishing you lovely holidaze Rooth! Time to sit back and watch everyone else in a daze while sipping a good drink. :)

  6. For some reason, I can't see the word "Holiday" in any incarnation without my brain immediately bursting into Madonna's song. December is a cruel month now, haha. Hope you break out of your daze soon! Happy NYE! xo

  7. It sounds like a magical and exciting time--as long as you're careful, storms and creatures of the night are so unpredictable! And bruises are only ... well...less bad if you had fun getting them. Otherwise, that's not good.

    I'm looking forward to the rebooting!

  8. Yes, hooray for blank slates and new starts. Happy New Year!

  9. That is a pretty terrific way of describing one version of the holi"daze" that most of us feel and could insert various adjectives and nouns in place of yours to describe our own daze. Here we go...filling in those blank pages again...

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Heavens! What an adventurous December . . . but I'm terribly glad you lived to tell another tale. :)

  12. What adventures you and your sister have! Happy new Year, love that bear print. hehe


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