In the am...

It’s getting later in the year so the sun wakes up around the same time as I do now.  I perform my morning ablutions in the dark and both of us slowly stretch our limbs during that 6 am time frame.  By the time I’m up and running in the office, there’s a soft glow that echoes my mental wake up shining through the office window.  Everything is bathed in a gentle morning light right now.  The empty lot across the street is a plush green carpet and even the parking lot seems to be painted in lavender velvet.  I’m not fooling myself, really.  It’s still August, and it’s still hotter than balls outside, despite the deluge we received last week.  But in the morning and in the air conditioned bubble, I can pretend that the sun is a little gentler and as a result, the day will be as well.


  1. The most obvious sign of the seasons changing for me: when I start waking up before the sun. We're so close to fall you can almost smell it in the air. <3

  2. The end of summer is really killing me, Rooth:( I understand for you Texans it's mighty different, but I hope you can send of your summer heat over there here during winter...sigh....

  3. I lol'd at 'hotter than balls'when it followed this peaceful picture in my head, haha!

  4. Here's to gentler days! It's nearly dark already at 8pm. The change is creeping up on us.

  5. Isn't that the best part? Before the day truly hits and you have those moments of peace and possiblity

  6. Well that was altogether lovely.
    And gentler days, yes, please . . .

  7. You have earned a nice refreshing ice cream Rooth :D Enjoy
    your gentle days! Xx Ice Pandora

  8. I love moments in the morning too. Hope you see some cooler days soon ♥

  9. I remember getting on a plane at Dallas when I was little, and walking from the terminal out onto the tarmac - and being hit by the furnace-like heat. Not fun.


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