Fear and Loathing During the Holidays

The halls are decked.  The (fake) tree is twinkling.  Alexa is crooning old timey Christmas songs in the background and there are already stacks of presents, be-ribboned and wrapped nestling underneath the tree.  The FedEx and UPS truck stops by our house almost daily and we’re getting inundated with boxes and Christmas cards.

Where, oh where is our dear happy pup during the most joyful season of all?  Why, wedged under the bed, cowering and crying to us (and himself).

Brave Bowie, who has never had any issues with loud noises, strange people, strange dogs, is all of a sudden afraid of our house.  Specifically, the indoor area of our house.  No, he’s not afraid of the Christmas decorations or presents or tree.  Out of nowhere and just this week, he became afraid of the kitchen.  You know, that place where all the delicious smells and food come from?  Where all his favourite people congregate?  If he could share a little of that kitchen fright with me, I could finally lose that “final five” lbs, am I right?

If we don’t let him run outside to hide, the poor guy is tucks his tail and squeezes himself into the smallest ball by the back door.  Bryan was convinced that the dog had something wrong with him and was about to schedule another expensive vet appointment.  After a very quick google search, it turns out that Bowie is going through his adolescent fear period, which is typically around when dogs between 6 - 14 months and in conjunction with growth spurts.  It is said to be temporary - thank god - and a stage that they quickly outgrow.

So Bowie may not have the holiday blues.  He may not be tired of the commercialization of the holiday season or reacting to the pressure of buying Just The Perfect Gift for everyone.  Or maybe he’s just pouting that he hasn’t been able to open the numerous boxes under the tree, addressed to him.

Have you ever had a dog who has gone through an adolescent fear period?  Or are you yourself going through a holiday fear period?


  1. He's so adorable! I had no idea dogs go through a period like this.


  2. We didn't really experience this with our collection of strays, but I worked with a professional show dog trainer and handler (she teched part time; it was so cool!) She talked about this second fear period in adolescence a lot, and about how the way it's handled by the owners can change the outcome of what kind of dog the pet matures into. A single scary event during this time period (it's only 2-3 weeks, so fortunately not very long!) can traumatize the dog for life. I found a couple of articles that explain it the way my coworker did:
    http://www.drjensdogblog.com/the-dark-side-of-socialization-fear-periods-and-single-event-learning/ (Dr. Jen is a behaviorist vet :) )

    1. Nicole! Thank you this is incredibly helpful. We've been making sure he gets a LOT of outdoor run time (when he forgets to be scared of anything) but generally leaving him alone when he's being emo

  3. Pretty sure Nash is still going through that... that or his phase just made him into an anxiety ridden, sometimes asshole. He now prefers to be in my bedroom by himself or curled up right on me. He also barks & jumps at EVERYTHING! He'll be 2 in April... also, when did my baby get so big?!

    1. I remember when you first got him! They grow up so fast

  4. Carey's dog became suddenly afraid of the dishwasher which then transferred and grew to include the clothes washer. Hopefully Bowie's fear goes away - looks like poor Reef's fear is here to stay :(

  5. Oh Bowie! I want some of that kitchen-fright too so I can
    lose some kilos so I can stuff myself again with the same
    kilos for the upcoming Holiday :')
    Luckily it's a temporary thing so no worries dear Rooth!

  6. For me is a little sad sometimes December but I am always trying to find a way to feel better.

    1. Make sure you rest :) the holidays are so exhausting

  7. My schnauzer Alfie was scared of the laundry area. Found out that as a litter they were kept in the laundry room so that made sense. He never got over that even when he was 15 and blind, sigh. Kitchens are loud!! pans rattling, water running etc. I dont blame your pup for being stressed.....Hopefully it goes away....soon!

    1. Awwwww poor guy. Turns out the pup isn't scared of things when his dad isn't around. Hmmmmmmm...

  8. Aaaaaaaw...poor Bowie. When I moved in with my hubby (before we got married), he had two dogs but they were already a bit older so I never heard about this. That's good to know it's not a permanent thing.
    PS He just looks so cute in that pic:) XOXO

    1. He has a LOT of pictures by the tree. Luckily he's not trying to steal any ornaments

  9. Poor Bowie! It's sad and hilarious though. Hopefully he grows out of it really soon.

    1. It is both funny and very pathetic. Also he's not scared when his dad isn't home... hmmmmmm

  10. Oh boy! I guess we have that to look forward to! Pixel is ~7 months at the momemnt...

    1. Hopefully y'all won't have to go through it. It was only for a very short period of time though


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