The ants (don't) go marching

Love this lady's pieces - you can find them here

Big week everyone, big week.  After my second broken leg post-op appointment on Monday, I was finally cleared to remove the bandage and start washing my leg for the first time in a month.  I’ll let that sit there and marinate for a little bit (just like my leg).  Do you know what happens to your skin when it has been covered up for a month?  It all FALLS OFF.  Because skin grows and replenishes itself.  Upon unwrapping the bandage in the doctor’s office and to my horror, my leg just started flaking off in little pieces all over the examination table.  I’m on day four of washing my leg and I’m still shedding like a snake.  I can’t exfoliate too hard because there are still steristrips holding my leg skin together and incisions.  There are going to be some gnarly Frankenstein-ish scars but I’ll save your lunch and not share any pictures of that.

Also, spring is here.  Working from home has been lovely because I no longer have to hobble the half mile from my car all the way over to my office.  However the weather has been perfect this week and Bryan’s had the windows open every day.  We are in prime time pollen season, which didn’t decide to take a break even though we’ve got a 3% mortality rate in Dallas because of the virus.  And bugs.  There are bugs everywhere.  There were ants congregating in our home office before Bryan sprayed both inside and outside the house.  We have so many crane flies that I’m almost convinced that they’ve eaten all the mosquitoes (which they unfortunately do NOT do).  So I’m sitting in the home office, surrounded by crumpled balls of tissue paper and the corpses of like 40 ants.

But we are both home, happy and healthy.  We have food and paper supplies and Bryan was even able to snag two bags of flour from the grocery store, so we’re going to be baking more this weekend!  A historian on Twitter recommended writing everything down on paper - what you, your neighbors, and friends are experiencing during this time - which is a quiet evening routine and also serves as a record for posterity purposes.  Journaling helps calm and steady my mind.  What have y’all been doing this big week?


  1. I really like that journaling idea!! Glad you were finally able to get the bandage off!

    1. Yeah thank god for getting that bandage off - it was gross

  2. glad your leg is unwrapped sorry you are molting though. UGH My allergies are horrible. I need to cut grass (FINALLY dry enough before more rain tomorrow) and i am dreading it is as today is the first day i felt okay....

    bugs. UGH they are coming. I saw ants in the field yesterday and a wasp flew by me last nite at dusk. Time to kill thing. ICK.

    Otherwise i have been trying to calm myself as I have so many symptoms but none too bad (allergies also make you cough, give you a sore throat etc) ....smh

    I wish Mark could work from home. That is the highest part of my anxiety. Luckily he does not get offended when I hazmat everything he has touched each night. LOL

    Ohh baking. Post photos. :)

    1. For some reason, every spring I forget that warm weather brings bugs. I already had Bryan spray the backyard yesterday as well because I saw TWO mosquitoes. I hope you and Mark stay safe - and I'll definitely keep posting photos of the baking. What else am I going to do :)

  3. When I was 12 I broke my arm. I used to scratch my hand with a pen which they tell you not to do, it was pretty gross the amount of dead skin I used to pull out of that cast. LOL. How pale was your leg when they took it out?

    1. So pale and so skinny. There's also still a ton of dried blood under the steristrips so it's just gross all around

  4. Oh my gosh! Ruth...I don't know story which I preferred more: the one about your leg skin shedding or the 40 dead ants.:P
    But seriously...great to hear that you and Bryan are doing well. The journaling is great idea. I was drawing in my sketchbook everyday to depict my day but it's actually been a bit busy at home that I haven't had the chance to do so lately. Thanks for the reminder:)

    1. A sketch a day sounds really fun - I wish I had the skill to do something like that!

  5. Hey Rooth! What an experience to see your leg shed that much of dead skin cells. Pamper that leg extra with good soap and perhaps smear some honey on it as a mask and rinse it off with water. Honey is quite good for the skin and scars. Haha, ugh I love spring and summer but I don't like the additional bugs that comes with, especially ants :( Good thing Bryan got flours! Happy baking soon then ^__^
    Stay safe and very healthy! Xx

  6. Thank you for the tip on honey! I will give that a go - these scars are going to be pretty gnarly

  7. Glad to hear you are healing well . I can't imagine how you're dealing with the itchiness . Does it ever get itchy during this shedding of dead skin? Great idea on writing everything down in a journal.

    1. Yes, definitely does get itchy. I'm using a ton of lotion. Journaling has always been a respite of mine - and this should be interesting to look back on

  8. Glad to hear you were able to finally get the bandages off. Hope the rest of it heals soon.

  9. oh nice post! =)

  10. I can only imagine how great it felt to finally get your bandage removed! I have also started journalling and I'm finding that its helping a lot with cabin fever!

    I hope you're staying safe during this quarantine!
    Amy x

    1. Same - it'll be really fascinating to read back on this in years to come

  11. The art piece you used in the post is stunning! I wish I could paint like that. Although I am an illustrator, I feel like drawing and paiting fall into different categories. Thanks for sharing and be well!

    1. I'm always on the look out for cool new pieces. My house would be loaded with art prints if I had it my way

  12. Spring is also here, so uplifting. Only took a month or two later than you! And also, it snowed two days ago :(


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