An update and The Great Escape, Part 2

My apologies for the blogging break.  You all have been wonderful, wonderful people, checking in on me and my mom every day and sending across words of encouragement and positive vibes.  We were hoping that mom would be able to be discharged on Monday but unfortunately, over the weekend she developed an irregular heartbeat after they turned off her post-valve repair external pacemaker.  Because she had an incredibly adverse reaction to the medication they gave her to regulate her heart rate and her heart rate continued to plummet, the cardiologist made the decision to implant a pacemaker in her this afternoon.

I am so proud of my mom for being such a trooper through this entire process.  Being prodded and poked and sliced open by doctors time and time again cannot be easy, and she's the most miserable when she can't eat or drink anything prior to any procedure.  Today is her third Monday in the hospital and we all can't wait to get her out soon but are trying to be patient about it.  Honestly, she was completely nonchalant about today's operation but I know at this point, she's ready to be done with it all and just on the road to recovery.

It also occurred to me that we completely skipped Ryon's four month checkpoint.  Because of the time running back and forth to the hospital, I've been a little more negligent about seeing him on a daily basis and letting my trainer run the show.  Apparently, this has turned into permission for him to act like a cheeky monkey because he escaped AGAIN this weekend.  This time, he was racing one of his buddies back and forth in the paddocks and either jumped the fence or busted the gate open because he was prancing up and down the side of the barn before one of the boarders caught him.  He was puffed up and proud of himself for getting out and showing the fence (and his buddy) who's boss of the barn.  Ryon, don't go getting too full of yourself.  We all know that you're still deathly afraid of birds.  And giant beach balls.


  1. Here's to your mom being such an awesome trooper. (((((hugs))))) Despite what happened, it's good to hear that she's relatively faring well. She'll be up on her feet in no time:)
    And OMG! Ryon! He's too funny:D

  2. Glad to hear you mother is being a trooper throughout all of this. It can't be easy undergoing all these procedures.

    Ryon is such a character!

  3. RYON. That's my shaming voice that I use with the dogs. They *look* guilty, but I'm not sure they feel guilty. And I'm sure he's more proud than guilty. ;)

    Oh honey. Rough, rough road for your mom, and for all of you really. Holding you in the light. XO

  4. I have to admit that picturing Ryon doing that is really funny. Totally made me smile.

  5. Ditto to what Emmylou and Jillian said. I'll be sending get well wishes and positive vibes to you guys from my part of the south via the www.

    Oh Ryon. I think I love him. ;)

  6. oh i'm sending much positive thoughts to your mom. i wish her speedy recovery. xx ryon looks so healthy and strong. i would've loved to see him prancing up and down the side of the barn. horses can be such characters! and i think you've got a winner!

  7. Oh my gosh! You, your family and above all your mom are quite the troopers! I hope you get to take her home soon….

    (And your story about your horse cracked me up! When I was growing up we had a Houdini horse who was always got out. Your story reminded me of him)

    ~Alexis Grace of North On Harper

  8. Your mom is so brave! Hope she is doing fine and will be back home soon! Sending lots of love and good vibes your way! Thinking of you guys! <3

  9. Your mum is sure is a trooper c: I'm wishing your mum a
    speed and healthy recovery! Xx

  10. oh, mama. i am so sorry to hear all of that. but, you know, at least they are doing something that will help in the long run, that's a very good thing. though, still. i know it's got to be terrible for her and stressful you. you are both in my thoughts everyday.

    and ryon! maybe you just need to put beach balls in front of the fences.

  11. Awww Ryon, what a beauty. I love that he has spunk! And from today's update, glad your mom is out of the hospital.

  12. It's okay that Ryon was puffed up with pride, but your mom is the one who deserves to be....and you too. This has been quite a crazy, stressful few weeks.

  13. I hope your mom makes a full recovery soon!


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