Pie (or not)

It seems most appropriate that my first post should be about food:

We made (I made) shepherds pie this weekend.  Any pie that has beef, potatoes and cheese on it is okay by me.  I'd like to take the first shepherd, or his wife/girlfriend/mom/sister, who created this non-pie pie and shake his / her hand.

I put too much potato on top.  And not enough cheese.  I was trying to be "healthy" and not add much butter or any cream to the potatoes.  Let it be a lesson to all of us that butter and cream are not optional.

I should have known better.  All of the best pies have multiple sticks of butter in the crust.  And the potatoes in a shepherds pie is like the crust.


  1. Hi rooth! Do you make spicy shepherd's pie? (I wanted to see your first post)

  2. hi rooth!

    think you're gorgeous. thanks for paying me a visit back (: appreciate it <3


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