Dead bird removal

This is about as close of an approximation as I can get to how the dead bird removal from my apartment balcony went.  Except instead of a shoe box lid, we used a cardboard box.  And we probably dropped it as many times as Peter did.  And as with the frog, it kept making that *splat* sound every time it fell because, well, the bird was waterlogged and soggy.  Don't give me that look - it had been dead and out in the rain for at least twelve hours.  I didn't watch it when it finally plummeted down to the ground.  Sick, I know - now watch the video, it's funny!


  1. Ha! I just saw that episode the other day. Love Family Guy.

  2. Haha - I´m such a fan of Family guy, totally crazy and always goes too far! :-D

  3. Yikes! And I love Family Guy! :D

  4. oh my... i probably would have done the same thing!

  5. *giggles* ...That's Peter for yah!

  6. Hahahahaa, I've never seen that episode, so funny! And gross...but really funny. I couldn't imagine having to get rid of a dead bird (or a frog) :(

  7. i almost stepped on a plump (freshly fallen) pigeon the other day. creepy. i know this is totally weird, but i always catch myself in a trance with dead little animals. i don't know if it's because it is a rare moment when you can really get a close look at something wild, or a moment of respect haha. anyway, glad you're rid of the soggy corpse!

  8. Ewwww. So wrong. Yet I kinda giggled...

  9. Oh no! Sometimes there's no substitute for a shovel--with a nice long handle. I used a shovel to catapult a carcass or two over the railroad tracks behind my parent's house.

    Is your glass really clean and the bird wanted in???

  10. That splat sound is stuck in my head now. ;)

  11. LOL!!! This just made my day!! Also, yuck:)


  12. funny guy always has funny clips.
    poor bird

    xo erica

  13. I'm totally giving you that look right now. "I didn't watch it when it finally plummeted down to the ground." - you should write novels, girl.

  14. Our neighbour’s psychotic cat left us a dead bird gift on the front garden so I had to laugh at this! We used the garden spade but it kept falling off and traumatising me!

  15. Oh my god... that is disgustttttttttting. I would have made someone else take care of it.

  16. Never had that problem before

  17. HA! Totally not right . . . and yet, I laugh.

    I'm with aki! I would have had someone else take care of it--kinda like the dead mouse on our front step. I did take a photo (he was so cute and perfect; like he just wound down and stopped). Then, when my roomie came home and mentioned it, I faked ignorance . . . "Gosh, that's horrible; here, let me get you a shovel or something . . . " :)

  18. Oh Family Guy always cracks me up. We've had bird issues too...don't get me started.

  19. HAHA I've done that with a dead spider before! never a bird that big though, but yaa that's what cardboard boxes are for!

  20. Aww, poor bird! :( But that doesn't sound pleasant at all. Kudos to you for taking care of it though. I don't know how I would have been able to do it, even if I had help.

    And lol, I think that's what I both like and dislike about Family Guy: they're not afraid to keep the joke going for a little bit toooo long. XD

    ♥ x i x i a |

  21. Posts like this make me so grateful for my husband. I mean, I'm grateful for other reasons too, but this! Yes.

  22. Hahah omg i hadn't seen that clip! That is awful but so funny! I feel like we've all been there at some point, haven't we? :)


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