Beginning by James Wright

Welcome November and all the shadows and sparks that you bring...

Beginning by James Wright

The moon drops one or two feathers into the field.  
The dark wheat listens.
Be still.
There they are, the moon's young, trying
Their wings.
Between trees, a slender woman lifts up the lovely shadow
Of her face, and now she steps into the air, now she is gone
Wholly, into the air.
I stand alone by an elder tree, I do not dare breathe
Or move.
I listen.
The wheat leans back toward its own darkness,
And I lean toward mine.


  1. Here's to a better month ahead. Happy Monday, Rooth:)

  2. Lovely . . . the photo and the poem. And a happy November, to you!

  3. I really think November is one of my favorite months, and this poem says why.

  4. Fantastic poem, thanks for sharing! Have a happy November! <3

  5. oh, november. i always seem to lean into your darkness whether i want to or not. it's the perfect month to get lost in poetry i think.

  6. Love these posts that you do! It's a little different for me in this part of the word (currently basking in sunshine and baking in the heat) but I do miss Novembers in the northern hemisphere.

  7. I want to go to there! This isn't a house post, but it's someplace I could live...for as long as it lasted.

    PS - I love "reflection" photos, like the majority I suppose.

  8. wonderful. and November is a tough one, no? I like it tho!

  9. Love the poem! What a great way to head into November. Happy fall :)


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