Little town, it's a quiet village


Every day, like the one before.
Little town, full of little people,
Waking up to say,

You will never know how delighted I was that a ton of you caught my Beauty & the Beast reference and were able to quote from the movie and the soundtrack.  I’m sure none of you are surprised that I identified with the bibliophilic Belle, although I really could have done without the entire Beast part except for all his cool stuff - the castle with enchanted household goods and library.

But you know what part of the movie really bothered me when I first watched it at 8 years of age?

Not slimy Gaston and his disturbingly butt-like cleft chin or the fact that Belle is imprisoned by the Beast, in exchange for her father’s freedom.  Not Gaston stabbing the Beast in the back before plummeting to his death.  Not even how ugly the Beast was after he transforms back into a normal person.

Let me tell you.

In "Be Out Guest," Lumiere, Chip, Mrs. Potts and the entire kitchen / dining room of the castle erupts with dancing / singing crockery and furniture and dish after dish of delectable French fare swing past Belle... she BARELY takes a bite at all of anything!  I remember being aghast as a child and thinking - what a waste!  What do they do with all the food she didn’t eat?  Throw it away?  Put it in tupperware containers and save it for tomorrow?

I think it's telling about how I was raised - before you worry about butt-faced, aggressive men kidnapping you or locking you up, being stabbed in the back or attacked by wolves, make sure you clean your plate.

And just because I know you guys are going to immediately look for the songs, here they are:


  1. It's so funny what we think of and worry about when we are kids, I think our parents would have been friends!

    I had Barbie and Strawberry Shortcake dolls growing up, but only a couple of each. When I would play, and they would be a family, I felt like I had to come up with a story to explain why Strawberry Shortcake's head was so freakishly large compared to everyone else's.

  2. Oh my goodness I noticed the exact same thing when I was little. But my thinking was "isn't she still hungry?" - typical that I would think of my stomach before anything else.

  3. Hahaha!!! I don't think I've ever thought about her not eating the food, but I will from now on. Did you know that I sing this song on a daily basis? Kinda love it.

  4. Hysterical. I love the whimsical outlook from an eight year point of view. You were quite the deep thinking little it.

  5. This made me laugh because I thought the exact same thing! Didn't she only have a sip of coffee from Chip or something? Maybe she felt weird about it because a lot of that food was alive/moving.

  6. Haha, you're my kind of girl, rooth! And I love the image of the Doctor intruding into the story. It's his way. :)

  7. Hehe...being Asian, I can totally relate:P
    And that song is stuck in my head now...the intro, I mean....eeeep!

  8. haha wow, that never occurred to me! Although I was told as a child that everything we don't eat that's served will be mixed in a large bowl and we'd have to eat it in hell...but i love your little stories. You tell them with such vivacity that I feel like i can actually hear you tell the story. I love that.


  9. <3 <3 <3 for this post.

    ps. I identified with Belle too!
    pps. I am on that spotify playlist like white on rice. thank u. ;)

  10. Hilarious! I will be singing these songs all day now :-)

  11. And that song is now stuck in my head.

    I think I would cry at all that wasted food.

  12. i think i must have been about 15 when this movie came out, i know at least that i owned it on vhs when i lived in my first apartment with my bff. i would make this one of our movies at least once a week. it's always been a favorite, even though, no, you can't change an abusive beast into a prince girls.

  13. Haha, what I find funny about this is that I can completely relate! I remember thinking the same thing when watching it as a child. Hell, I still find myself pointing out things like that in movies even today.

    Now you have me wanting to re-watch the movie! I wonder where in the world I can find it at...

  14. Ha! That's hilarious that you thought about that at 8 years of age!

  15. I don't think that ever came to mind the first time I saw it! You are a clever child (and maybe I'm just next to you. Haha)!

  16. My parents taught me to never waste food too, so I can def relate to that. Now the song is stuck in my head!

  17. I saw this in the theaters with my mom when I was younger and the theater was giving away posters of it for the opening. This movie is still one of my favorites. Always will be. What bothered me most is that "Madamoiselle" to a kid sounds an awful lot like "Madam ____(our last name)" so I was always confused why they knew my name in the movie! Ha!

  18. Haha, I never really noticed and thought about it back then. Though we've been raised not wasting any food. I'm still appalled and upset by all the waste people throw away by piling their plates and barely touching their food in dinner buffets. My baby sister and I watched Beauty and the Beast every walking morning before going to school and never got tired of it.

  19. Oh man, I'm totally going to be humming "Be Our Guest" all day today . . .

  20. Haha I had never noticed that before, such a great spot
    One of my most favorite movies ever, thank you for the soundtrack!


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