Southern hospitality

Hidden a midst the towering (for London) and grandiose bank buildings, with retrofitted nightclub-esque lobbies, South Place Hotel is snuggled in a little corner.  Overshadowed by a Marks and Spencer on one side and set in hustle and bustle of the financial district, the hipper-than-thou tourist doesn't swing through here.  This is a place for those who are too cool to care, too cool to photograph the art pieces on display and way too cool for me.  Fortunately, it's within walking distance to literally all of our meetings so the hotel selection is justified and I thoroughly enjoyed my stay there.  Next time, I'm unabashedly snapping photos of the art installations and grabbing a drink at the outdoor bar.

As I'm camera-operator shy, the first few pictures of the common spaces are from the hotel's website, however the last few (shoddier ones) of the room are from my camera phone.

Best parts of the hotel besides the bubble bath?  Heated towel holders.  Ambient nightlight around the bedframe so you don't stumble on something in the dark.  Larger than normal City of London rooms.  Personalized handwritten note welcoming me to the room.  And blackout shades.  Seriously, go there now.*

*I have to add the disclaimer that I'm in no way paid to blog about this hotel.  I would love to be but sadly, no.  These are all my thoughts and opinions


  1. wow that hotel IS gorgeous! Hope all is well :)


  2. One of my favourite things to do on the weekend is to walk around the city because it totally empties out and there is so much history in the city! I love the bedrooms of the hotel!

  3. Amazing! Who even knew this place existed! And I love your description of 'the city' - spot on!

  4. Looks really nice, I wouldn´t mind staying there. :-)

  5. Oh..em...gee. This hotel looks amazeballs! Heated towel holders?!?

  6. Heated towel racks are suuuper common everywhere in Europe, and yet we silly Americans haven't caught on yet! That hotel looks swanky and fabulous, no wonder you didn't want to leave!

  7. that looks like an awesome place!!

  8. You had me at "heated towel racks" :-) This place looks amazing!!

  9. Wow! This place is gorgeous!

  10. Well, they SHOULD pay you :-) I've been to a bed and breakfast with a heated towel rack and it was amazingggg. Need to install those in my home :-)

  11. Very cool hotel! Now I'm wondering if "blackout" shades are a London tradition? A salute to the 1940's?

  12. I love this hotel! It's very nicely designed. I'm thinking you should write all my hotel design post introductions {although I rarely post about them these days}.

    I used to be camera shy but now I just walk around snapping photos. Even when I get photos of the window displays in shopping malls, security guards generally just make sure I'm only photographing windows, not the building structure. I have heard that the Standard Hotel doesn't allow photos but one I took pictures of and posted seemed happy about it. At least according to their facebook page.

  13. OOOOOoooooo love how modern it is!


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