Year of the Snake

Happy Lunar New Year (well, two days early)!  It's the year of the snake which means one filled with long life and love.  Okay, so I may have made that part up but I really do wish you a happy, healthy, prosperous year.  Have a wonderful weekend and those of you in the Northeast - stay warm!
Society6 / Print / Sunglasses / Shoes 


  1. Ha, well I like the meaning you've given to this year! Cool prints too. I hope you enjoy your weekend! :)

  2. Wooo lunar new year! Hope that you are having a good one xx

  3. Happy Chinese New Year, Rooth!!

  4. It's so crazy here...guess this snow was our Lunar New Year gift! Same wishes to you. (Health, happiness, and prosperity...not two feet of snow.)

  5. Happy year of the snake to you too!!
    All the best!

  6. Happy New Year! Is the black snake above in a trash pile? He's in a can holder...

    Around here there were a whole lot of people flinging themselves into the giant snowbank in front of them and contemplating the job in front of them before diving into the clean up. I gave up so I have to go back out tomorrow. :) I hope you are having a great weekend!

  7. Happy Lunar New Year, ma'am! Thanks for helping to make the year of the dragon a good one.

  8. Hoping you have a great weekend! And happy lunar new year to you too! I have a really good feeling about this year. And hey, long life and love? I'll roll with that. ;)

  9. Happy Chinese New Year ;) Let's see what the next year has in store for us.

  10. I was born in the year of the snake. I hope that means this is going to be a good year for me. happy new year to you, too xxo

  11. Happy Lunar New Year to you too!

    Hope all is well on your end and you're finding ways to balance both working & your free time. :) It's tough! I'm battling with it as well.

  12. Happy Year of the Snake to you too! UI hope the year ahead is a stellar one for you - with lots of time to do all those things you love. Best, Annie x

  13. So what exactly does the year of the snake mean, then?

  14. Happy Chinese New Year!!! Hope you're getting a ton more festivities than I am here in NC (namely, none).

  15. I don't know what it means and if it has something to do with it but I've been dreaming a lot about snakes as of late. I like the emerald color associated with the year of the snake. Have a wonderful New Year celebration!

  16. And Happy Lunar New Year to you!

    The year of the snake sounds slithery and ominous . . . so I'm just gonna go with your good tidings! :)

  17. Happy Chinese New Year! And I'll take a year of long life and love for sure!

  18. Belated Happy Chinese New Year to you and yours!


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