Still kickin'

Taco Cowboy aka "My Hero"
Howdy folks - yours truly is back stateside, a bit bleary-eyed but doing good, all things considered.  First and foremost, a mom update.  She is recovering sloooowly but surely, walking around for a few minutes longer every day.  Her appetite is still nonexistent but we try to force her to eat as much as she can possibly stand.  All of her meals are very bland and due to her medication, she can't eat certain veg like spinach and broccoli.  As a result, she's become a little anemic and my cousin has ordered her a pack of Ensure to help supplement the nutrients that she's lacking.  I didn't really notice how much weight she's lost and how gaunt she's gotten until this past weekend.  If anyone has any nutritional tips on how to bulk up a little lady, they're gladly welcome.  In spite of the weight loss, mom's done a wonderful job of staying in high spirits.  We watched Frozen this past weekend and I wish I could tell you that we didn't burst into song every hour thereafter, like a pack of seven year olds.  My poor dad must be so tired of hearing "Let it Go" on repeat.

Through the kindness of friends and coworkers, everything else has been held together - throughout the endless hospital visits and international trips.  Ryon has been well looked after and quite content sweating through the summer heat.  I can't express my gratitude enough for the people who have buoyed me up during this time.  I may die a thousand small deaths on a daily basis but someone is always there with a tiny defibrillator to make sure that I keep on going.


  1. it's difficult getting someone with a small appetite to eat, you need to give little snacks often, never a big plate of food, it puts people off, build up drinks are great, but people often don't think to put them in the fridge, they taste so much better cold, we have some juice ones here that you can make into jelly's I hope your mum gets her strength back soon xx

  2. I'm glad you're hanging in there! And your mum sounds like she's coming along well, these things are bound to take time. You're such a good daughter!

  3. Ensure was a lifesaver, it really does the trick. Also we were rebels and said "f the dietary restrictions" and let my dad eat whatever he wanted. What he wanted was onion rings and donuts, and who were we to say no?
    Also I finally watched Frozen last week and it was so cute! xo

  4. It's great to see that you have such a great support system, Rooth.:) And Ensure is the only one I can think of right now for your mom, but I'm sure she'll be up and eating in no time.

    PS Let It Go=awesome.

  5. Oh Ruth, I am so sorry to hear about your mom. Sending you (and her) big virtual hugs. My mom struggled with an eating disorder her whole life and one thing that used to have her running would be making her eat. It's incredibly frustrating to watch someone you love melt off weight. Be patient, it will come. Ensure and protein bars are a good place to start. Like Erin, I agree with ditching the dietary restrictions. My mom had a particular love for ice cream and lived off them for like a year until her appetite came back. Hang in there. This too shall pass.

  6. Blue Bell. Although Ensure is the better choice. I hope your mom keeps getting a little more active each day until she's back to being herself. I also hope we can get your daily defibs cut in half each day until they're gone!

  7. I am glad to hear that your mom is recovering. It must be hard for you to see all the weight loss. I really hope you can make her gain some weight soon. Doesn't she like ice cream or anything else with lots os calories? I mean, who does not like ice cream for breakfast? :)

  8. welcome home rooth! glad to hear that your mom is on her way to recovery. my mom is a dietitian, do you want me to ask her what she would recommend? although ensure will probably help lots! sending more positive and healing vibes over your way. (hug)

  9. oh i am glad your mom is doing better. i am not surprised the recovery is slow going, what she went through, that is such a shock to the system. her little body is trying to keep up with it all. as for fattening her up, good lawd it seems all i have to do is think about food. or literally just eat and i gain a couple pounds. i yo-yo by 3 pounds every other day. for your mom . . . i'd give her healthy fatty foods. ice cream is a good one. peanut butter. cheese. alfredo sauce, that has tons of calories. chocolate milk. all that good stuff. xo

  10. glad to hear that your mom is getting better slowly but surely. hang in there!

  11. Great to hear she's in good spirits! Ensure was what I used when I was trying to gain weight (this was many years ago, by the way). Also, I drank a lot of shakes with protein powder. Both helped.

    Frozen was such a surprise to me. I was kind of forced into watching it, but I ended up liking it so much! I even got chills during the "Let It Go" song, lol.

  12. I'm glad to hear that your mum is recovering well. I keep sending good vibes xoxo

  13. I've never seen frozen but I have seen this,, maybe you're all next. ;)

    If I can figure out how to ship down some locally made ice cream I will. I think milk has iron and some of these ice creams are the most delicious thing ever!

  14. I think I'm the only only left on the planet that hasn't watched Frozen yet :-) So happy to hear your mom is regaining her strength day by day. She sounds like a fighter!

  15. Definitely get her to keep eating and maintaining the calories she needs to keep her body going!!!! Make her her favorite foods and enjoy them with her. Eating isn't just about food sometimes. It's about the company.


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