Talkin' turkey

"The turkey is in the fridge."

A little like saying "The Eagle has landed" except for it's a fat, featherless eagle, sitting in a bag of brine that we're going to bake and broil in a few days time.  The wintry mix skipped lightly over us, although not without dumping a few inches of rain - just enough to get everyone's hopes up that it would ice over and be a snow day today.  But, the good news is that the kitchen renovation is finished!  And according to dad, looks fabulous to boot (my words, not his).  My parents will be tidying up tomorrow and the kitchen will be ready for action in the evening, not a minute too soon because cooking commences in earnest on Wednesday.  I've been behind all season (seriously, wtf happened to November) and all of a sudden, my most favourite day of the year is here and upon us and ohmygodIhaven'tdoneanyXmasshoppingatallyet.  Everybody panic and throw things!

On a more serious note, however, I'm hoping to set aside some time this week to reflect on how fantastically awesome my life is and how blessed I am.  My co-worker's only child was diagnosed with Hodgkin's lymphoma just last week - at only 18 years of age - and it about tore her to pieces.  For all the whinging that I do here, I have thankfully never had to go through anything like that with myself or a close family member and I count myself lucky in that regard.  So if you can spare a moment for all the luck and love in your life, send a big one up to the sky for all the wonderfully brilliant things you've got going on during Thanksgiving this week.


  1. there are a lot of people who have it a lot worse than me times a 100. I am so thankful for all the little things that I don't say thank you for.

  2. Wow the renovations are done?!? I'm duly impressed by these contractors. And I'm so, so sorry to hear about your co-worker's son. It's one of my biggest fears as a mother - to see my child hurt to such a degree. Ugh. :( Please, if it's appropriate, tell her she has many, many good thoughts coming their way from Oregon. And yes, at night when my bones and muscles ache, when I'm groggy and still working - I'm thankful that I have healthy and energetic children who keep me on my toes and a job to work on once they're in bed. It means I'm very blessed. I try to remind myself of it periodically, because otherwise I'd wring their little necks, haha. All kidding aside, I'm very, very thankful.

  3. I saw a quote on Pinterest yesterday that said "gratitude changes everything" - Pinterest quotes are usually dumb but I really liked that one. I think it's very true. Although the quote "Everybody panic and throw things" is pretty amazing too :)

  4. Hey, you can't make me feel thankful!!! Oh no, do. :)
    Your parents choose a good contractor, it's hard to believe the job is done.

  5. Truly, I cannot believe the renovation is finished--that's one of those 'truth is stranger than fiction' sort of tales. It should make for an extra lovely Thanksgiving . . .

  6. Big AMEN, Rooth! Sometimes, we do forget how lucky we are.
    And yay to the renovation being done on time:)

  7. yay for the kitchen makeover. sounds like it will be such an amazing time. i miss the kitchen action and story and chatting time that happens during the holiday season with family. much to be thankful for this year.. definitely counting my lucky stars. so sorry to hear about your colleague. xx

  8. It's so important in all the holiday hullaballoo (sp??!) to forget that the real root of these occasions is gratitude and an excuse to reflect on all your blessings. Non-religiously, for some. But being grateful is a universal religion. (and I am grateful for canned cranberry sauce. amen)

  9. i really am grateful everyday, in between being irritated and frustrated and those other emotions i might have in a day, i am always grateful. i have known a lot of people close to me and not so close to me that have suffered a lot. i have suffered at times too, so i definitely realize all i have to be grateful for on just a regular old day. and being grateful makes you feel happier and healthier so it's a win-win. but i still wish i had nice big house (haha) xo

  10. Yaaay! I'm glad to hear your kitchen is ready to use c: I'm sorry
    to hear about your co-worker :c Xx

  11. There's definitely much to be thankful for, even on our crappiest days. Hope you have a fabulous Thanksgiving with your family!

  12. oh no, that's horrible. how sad that we often need such a bad shock to be reminded of the good. enjoy your time with your family xxoo

  13. 100% agree. So much to be thankful for. ps. yay for the finished kitchen!

  14. It's weird the things that put life into perspective. I just found out one of my sweetest customers at work has Lou Gehrig's Disease. She's so young and I jut can't imagine what living with that must be like. Life is so short, we really need to live it to the fullest.

  15. Yay for finished kitchen! LOL on the "everyone panic and throw things". I won't be doing that until Dec 1 ;). And yes, we should all definitely be thankful for our health!

  16. thanks for the reminder, def need to count some blessings tomorrow and every day!

  17. ohh thanksgiving, one of my fav holidays, I just love the turkey haha, and hope the kitchen is all tidy and the cooking goes great!

  18. I am sending all my positive thoughts!


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