The deepest cut

Courage is the strength to stand strong against what Everyone Else believes and to be firm in your own convictions.  Either that or sheer stupidity, I haven't figured out which yet.

Luckily, the antagonist in me delights in these opportunities to subsume what Everyone Else thinks I should do and then spit it back out in their faces.  It's not a small amount of pleasure obtained from succeeding where others doubted you.  Of winning that particular pissing contest.  The danger, of course, is cutting off your nose to spite your face, which I've been guilty of doing every now and then.  But I stubbornly hold that there is some courage and strength in standing for something, anything, particularly when it's so easy to just ebb and flow with the masses.

To stand up and stand firm for yourself and what you do - your passions and what matters to you - it's such a simplification of the exercise.  Like one of those black and white scripted motivational prints that you see hanging above a pure white drafting table.  We all know it's more of a bloody, hair-pulling, eye-gouging battle.  But if those things are not worth fighting for, then what is?

I'm feeling more than a little soap-boxy these days and it may be because I'm challenging myself on what I hold dear and the value or even nobility in those pursuits.  Healthy?  Maybe.  Insane?  Absolutely.  Tell me, dear ones, do you challenge yourself more or others?  And what are those challenges that you encounter, more often than not?  I want all your stories.

*Lauren, this is not the knife I ended up buying, although it's got "beautiful" covered.  The one I ordered is much more functional and tactical.  And wicked-looking.


  1. I'm a little bit of a rebel myself :)

  2. I am impatient at times and it's such a struggle! But woooooooooooorking on it lol

  3. But of course I want to see *your* knife! And my first thought when I saw this one was, "ooh! pretty!" ;) I'm in, right now, what has been dubbed by some as a "creative wobble." So I'm challenging some things about what I can and can't do, and should and shouldn't do about my work. I'm hoping the challenge will help me push through to some good stuff, even if I'm sitting here uncomfortably at the moment.

  4. I've always thought life is more exciting when you do the opposite of what people think you should do. I think all of my big decisions in life is based on this principle....

  5. My dad thought all of my early adult decisions were dumb, I did what I thought was best. Later, when I was doing better than he thought possible, he told his friends I had followed his advice every step of the way. Almost made me wish I had "failed". Almost. :)

  6. My parents have two kids: the one that followed directions and the one that didn't. I'm the one that didn't. My life didn't go exactly to plan. I made a lot of mistakes. But I think happiness is key and as long as you're happy the rest is gravy.

  7. Sometimes I fight for things so much, they turn into causes. But I resolved that I am okay with that, as long as I'm behind it 100 percent. If they're going to be causes, I better believe in them. On the other hand, fighting for a cause becomes addictive, which never allows for much peace.

  8. Oooh, a soup can knife? I basically challenge anyone who says I can't, I feel like I need to prove I can.

  9. I always follow my principles and try to do what I believe is right. Of course I made mistakes along the way but at least I never did something just because others expected me to.

  10. i definitely think i challenge myself more than others, but who know what others would say - they might disagree ;) i have so many things that i feel strongly about that i usually try to hold my tongue. but if i perceive an injustice being done that i also perceive as one i can't ignore i speak up without even thinking (in person. online i keep scrolling!). xo

  11. well, you know my answers to these questions :)


  12. Hmm, I don't intend to challenge others (though I'm more than happy to be a cheerleader! :). I challenge myself--and sometimes I'll do that through my writing, which I've been told at times comes off as preachy. But I'm really preaching to myself. :)

    That is a lovely knife.


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