Nap time

Hi Seattle, did you send us your weather?  It's been raining for three days straight now and although I can't complain about the amount of rain we're getting (our lakes sorely need it), it sure puts me in a napping kind of mood.  It's almost a little bit fall-like with the temperature dropping down to 75 on Monday (!!!).  Lucky for us, fall is still three months away and at least the rain chased away the mosquitoes for a little bit.  Speaking of which, there was a NYTimes article that talked about a sure-fire, low-tech mosquito repellent - using an electric fan.  Because it blows them away.  Duh.  I didn't know that was what qualified as news these days, particularly with everything else that's going on in the world.

Oh, and about my blog post yesterday about telling ladies that they look tired?  I got that question from someone at work first thing in the am.  Maybe it should be broadcast as a public service announcement.


  1. maybe portland sent you our weather because it's felt a lot more like texas around here lately. yee haw! ps - i finished bernadette, i strrrreeetched over two days because i loved it so much i wanted to make it last. what a great read! xo

  2. Hey. Seattle in the summer, very little rain. Seriously.

  3. We also had weird weather today! It's been in the late 90's and early 100s all week but today... it dropped down in the 70s and there was a constant breeze! Was pretty insane, but I loved it. :)

    Btw... can not believe that guy told you you looked tired. Argh, seriously... what are people thinking? :|

  4. Are you okay? You look tired. Maybe you need a nap. ;) I'd give a lot for some of that rain, but I think I'll let it stay in TX, because I know you guys sorely need it.

    Lauren @ still + life

  5. We got your weather over here! It's so freaking hot!
    Anyhoo, yes...please do that post yesterday as a PSA. I get that a lot, esp. from my own family!

  6. Man, everyone is getting rain except us, and we need it!

  7. At a weekend bbq, I ended up with a mosquito bite on the underside of the arch of my foot, and above my eyebrow. So please, COME ON FALL.

  8. "I showed interest and concern. In no time I'll be her favorite person in the office. he-he-he"

    Give into the nap urge tonight!

  9. ahaha ok, I guess that makes sense! But yeah, it must be a seriously slow news day if that qualifies as news....

  10. That NYTimes cracks me up...really?!

  11. Rain is one of those things that you really want, until it comes. Then it's annoying.

    I'm actually happy the NYT came up with a different topic to report about. I am tired of hearing the same few "facts" about the same few things reported over and over for weeks on end with urgency like it's new information. Can't these people investigate anything so they can say something else?

    I'd rather hear your PSA about not telling people they look tired. :)

  12. Ah, that weather sounds perfect!

  13. I'm glad it's finally cloudy and rainy here bc the heat was unbearable last week. Lol on the electric fan/mosquito news. Am I supposed to carry a fan with me when I'm outside walking??

  14. Been raining here too like crazy! Perfect for tea :D Anyway, aside from fan, we use a mosquito bat. It's more fun to use it hahaha


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