Celebrate good times

Darlings, give yourselves a pat on the back and a round of applause - you've made it past the middle of the week (you have to celebrate the little things)!  As a mini reward for you all, treat yo'self to one of the goodies below.  Okay so maybe it's a little absurd to go out and buy a cow but how can you resist that face?

Cynthia Rowley Flask Bracelet
I promise I don't have an addiction to flasks but this one is simply genius.  For those times you need a secret stiff drink ... you know that second cousin's wedding you're dreading attending.  Yeah, that time.

Via Oddify
He's so fluffy, I'm gonna die!  Are these cows cute or what?!  Okay, maybe I'm too excited about these cows, especially because they're beefers but who could resist giving these guys a big, giant hug?  I bet it's like hugging a big pillow.  That moos.

Book Adventurers
Anyone going to Comic Con this weekend?  For your own little taste of the comic goodness, I'm going to do some shameless self promotion and tell you to check out my review of Marvel 1602 at Book Adventurers.  Bonus - it's written by our favourite Neil Gaiman!


  1. It's so fluffy I'm going to die!

  2. Everything is eclipsed by that fluffy cow. It's so cute but looks so wrong! Looks like he is wearing a coat!

  3. That cow! I can't handle the cuteness!

  4. Please give me that cow! And will check out the review:)

  5. Hey, I read that review. I didn't know you wrote it. No wonder I enjoyed it so much! That cow would make a great pillow. :)

    Is today an almond croissant day???

  6. all i can focus on is that cow. i want to cuddle him. i don't eat read meat fluffy cow, can we be friends? i will hold you and pet your fluffy, what do you call it, fur? oh fluffy cow, you are so cute!

    what were you saying rooth? comic-con i'd love to be able to take fisher it's kind of like the ultimate rock concert of his dreams (nerd dreams). so, i totally wish we were. i think we might go to pax in seattle this summer though?

  7. OMG. That cow. You totally took the words out of my mouth. (It's so fluffy, I'm gonna die!)

    What a great review! And what an interesting concept.

  8. Aaaand I now know how I'm going to be able to drink at work. Wowza!

  9. I'm with Erin, I totally need one of those for when I'm at work dealing with hard to deal with customers!

  10. That cow is so adorably cute! And Comic Con! Woot! It's not like the San Diego Comic Con, but I used to always go to the NY Comic Con/Anime Convention before moving here to VA. Miss those times!

  11. What the heck! That cow is too ridiculously cute. I'm almost having a hard time thinking he's real! lol

  12. Wow! Where can I get that cow?? It's SO cute! Knowing my luck, Son is probably allergic to cows...

  13. So, I have a degree in cow things and I have never seen such a fluffy one! I actually plan on rescuing a jersey cow on the way to the slaughterhouse some day and just letting it roam my yard. Personality-wise they are like huge dogs.

    I'm excited for your review and would be excited to have that flask after this week!

  14. Oh my gosh that bracelet. That bracelet!! I need it in my life, haha.

  15. Rooth! OMG, it's so good to catch up with your blog. I have been sooo busy too and thank you for your sweet comment on my site. Everything has changed so much in a year. The flask bracelet in this post is so funny and I laughed about the 'cousin's wedding' comment. I think we've all been there. :)


  16. Is that REALLY a cow? I totally want a pet fluffy cow now.

  17. I need a flask bracelet for the weekend - ha!

  18. That flask bracelet is brilliant! :)

  19. That fluffy cow is simply adorable!!!


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