Life lessons: #6

The majority of men will avoid showers, particularly those with the words 'bridal' and 'baby' in them, like the plague.  Even if the aforementioned baby shower takes place in a bar. 


  1. Did you actually go to a baby shower in a bar? Was it because said baby was conceived in a bar??

  2. It might be an outgrowth from having tried to avoid showers (and baths) as children. :D

  3. PS - when they do show up, it's either for the cake or because they think they'll look bad if they skip it...or they hope to meet girls (that's the 3rd possible reason for almost everything guys do--except when it's #1 :)

  4. Well, I would too if it didn't look so terrible. I always feel awkward in those "showers" and I'm a woman, expected to be all "aaahhhh" and "awwwww" when looking marriage and procreation in the face. Still, awkward.

  5. And if the "man" is your 14 year old son, he might avoid the other kind too! ;) (And that's totally where I thought you were going with this thought! Ha!)

  6. Ahaha! I read the first line and hoped they'd outgrow the distaste for showering . . .

    I've also noticed, they may hate the baby shower, but it will be dog-eat-dog when it comes to being the first to drink a beverage from a baby bottle, for a prize. :)

  7. I honestly think every time something like this occurs, we should just change the name shower to something else, like EXPEDITION. Right?

  8. I thought convention precluded men from attending showers at all, usually! Don't the men sneak off together to smoke cigars or watch tv or something? (Can you tell that's what I plan to do with J when the occasion arises?)

  9. i am with lauren! that's totally what i thought you were talking about. i was like, oh no! will he never want to take showers!? hehe.

    i am such a baby and i give a big annoying eye roll at the whole mix-gender showers. i know, i know, it's terrible of me and it goes against my basic morals of discrimination, buuuuut it's traditional for women to gather for these things. so i say, let them avoid it because if they were there we'd most likely be avoiding them anyway. ps i had my baby shower at a bar too. in fairness it was actually a pub and it was outside. xo

  10. HAHA, oh my gosh, I just cracked up over my lunch.

  11. I have a coworker like that. He just thinks that showers were traditionally for women only so why change it.

  12. Haha, my hubby laughed at this! :-)

  13. lol, very true :)

  14. haha! i like the illustration that comes with the quote

    The Young Bridget Jones


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