This is the view

And this is the life...

I'm in the mountains and freezing my face off.  See little Siri in the lift behind me?  She's such a trooper following me up and down the mountain today.  Hopefully I didn't kill her too badly and she's ready to go for a brand new snow day tomorrow.


  1. wow, that looks amazing. have a fab time xoxo

  2. Hope you're all having a grand time, Rooth:) That view is just gorgeous!

  3. Squeeeee! So happy for you! Perfect birthday present and just what you needed! It got to 80 here yesterday and poured while we were in Richmond, so, UGH. Cold for Christmas thought, so that's better. Have fun, duckie! XO

  4. It looks beautiful there. I always like to say, if it's not freezing, it's not fun! I hope you have another great day today!!!!

  5. Ooh, it's bea-u-tiful! And if I don't get another chance to tell you . . . a very Merry Christmas to you!

  6. so very awesome! hope you are having a wonderful time!

  7. Go girl! Tear up those slopes! Shred some powder! (are those the right sayings? I have no idea, the closest I've come to skiing was playing SSX Tricky on Gamecube like 10 years ago...) Have fun! xo

  8. Oh wow, so beautiful! Have fun and don't freeze your face off!

  9. erins comment made me laugh because i was going to use the same reference!! (i am really great at snowboarding on ssx tricky.) other than that the ski lifts terrify me. i can't jump off. the one time i tried to go snowboarding i went around and around and then i finally had to just fall off on my face. for some reason that seemed better than attempting to land on my feet. so i just let my body go limp and finally rolled off the ski lift. one of finer moments. xoxo

  10. Looks amazing to me, we have NO snow here now, it all melted away! :-/ Crossing my fingers about the horse related thing..! :-D

  11. Looks absolutely fantastic Rooth... wishing I was there. Happy Holidays! Wishing you blessed and fun times ahead :)

  12. I'm glad you're in such a beautiful spot this week. I hope each day is more fun than the one before!

  13. My comment didn't post! I hope the skiing is as wonderful as the views.

  14. Oh my goodness, this looks heavenly.


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