Mathew Tucker
So this past weekend wasn't such a great one for me.  My car was stolen from the valet stand at a restaurant on Friday night.  My guess is that the car was taken while it was being staged and the keys were left on the dash.  The police were called, report was filed, and I got a ride back to my apartment complex in the back seat of a police cruiser.  What a way to end a Friday night.  Luckily, my neighbor works for the apartment management company and was able to let me into my unit, so Saturday was spent getting new keys to my apartment and a rental car.

Hopefully I'll be able to resolve a lot of this mess this week and I've been trying to keep the entire situation in perspective.  I am fine, no one has been injured, and after all, it's just a car.  Let's focus on all the positive things happening all around us and keep moving forward.


  1. Oh my gosh... that's so terrible! I hope... that it's over soon. I don't even know what I would begin to do if my car was stolen.

    7% Solution

  2. oh no, that sucks. but I like your zen attitude. and I envy you your ride in a police car. that's still on my to do list :)

  3. Son of a Beep! The cheek of that! I am indignant for you. Not to be a one-up-man because yours sucks way more than mine but we have both been wronged in the past couple of days. Should we start a pity party? Or on second thoughts, you may want to keep that zen attitude and let me know how you do it?

  4. That really sucks! How do people have the nerve to steal??? So sorry you had (and have) to go through this aggravation.
    I was going to joke that it sounds like a free market wealth redistribution effort by the 99%, but some might not have realized it was a joke.

  5. No way! That really sucks. So sorry your car got stolen. At least you have a good attitude about it. I'd still be raging!

  6. GASP! What in the world? If we lived closer, I'd bring over a cake . . . cake covers a multitude of ills. :)

    Seriously though, I'm just glad you're alright.

  7. Whaaaaaa? I'm truly sorry this has happened, Rooth. This start of April has not been the best for me as well, but let's hope it ends with a bang (in a good way).

  8. Oh my god!! Roothers that is horrible, I'm so sorry! Will your insurance cover the cost? That is so violating and awful, I'm so so sorry. I'm so grateful you weren't in the car when the thieves went for it and that you're alright. If you need anything (can you deliver alcohol through the mail??) just let me know. Poor kiddo. Guess you'll have to ride Ryon around now ;) xo

  9. You are a much better person than I. Good on you for keeping your cool and staying positive. You're so right on the money about keeping perspective.

  10. Oh Roothie! How horible! I am SO sorry sweetie. It is just a car, you're right, but our cars (and then the keys to our homes) tend to represent so much to us. It's a car, yes, but it's also a violation. Be safe. Deep breaths. Take care of yourself. Thinking of you, dearie.

  11. oh man. sorry that this happened. hope this week brings better moments!

  12. it's true it is just a car. and i am so glad that you are safe! that by far is most important. when my car/s have been broken into i try to keep the same perspective, but you know, it still feels so violating. it's a very yucky feeling. xo

  13. Oh dear nooo :c I'm sorry to hear you car is stolen (grrr)
    I'm glad you stayed unharmed! And you are right, focus
    on the positive c: Xx

  14. Oh my goodness! Even if it's "just a car," that still REALLY sucks. I hope you are able to get it back soon and in one piece!

  15. That is such a bummer..and from the valet, that smarts. I hope they find the car & your insurance company is being helpful. Here's to hoping life returns to normal soon.

  16. Oh, no! I know it's just a car, but I'd feel so violated. And devastated! After all, we work hard for our stuff...right? Good luck with it all. I can't imagine...

  17. Oh no! I am so sorry! That sucks so much! Hope you can get that solved!

  18. That's a bummer. People like that are awful.


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