Hop on pop

Dad & Siri
It's my pop's birthday this weekend so you can be certain we'll be celebrating with bowls of noodles (representing longevity), lots of cake and cookies for his sweet tooth, and plenty of mindless action films.  Because how else are you supposed to spend a lazy weekend devoted to your dad?

We received a good dusting of snow today and it is coooooold.  I hope you all are doing well, staying warm, and enjoying some sleep and relaxation this weekend.  Lord knows, I need it.


  1. Oh happy happy happiest of birthdays to your dad! What a lovely picture, and it's just made my day to see it! I hope you have a wonderful weekend together with celebrations as long as your noodles. XO

  2. Happy b-day to your pop! I hope you and your dad both get the weekend you deserve. Our dusting is coming tomorrow, and Sunday night, and Wednesday. :)

  3. Happy bday to your dad, Rooth!

  4. I love it! Also, I did not know noodles represent longevity. I see a new tradition on the horizon . . .

    Happy, Happy Birthday to your pop! And a happy, relaxing weekend to you . . .

  5. happy birthday to your pop! have a super lovely weekend :)

    Katrina Sophia Blog

  6. Aw, a very happy birthday to your poppa!! That sounds like quite a good weekend to me :) xo

  7. Happy birthday to your Dad! Have a fantastic time celebrating!

  8. Happy happy birthday to your dad!

  9. happiest of birthdays to you dad! i wonder if you parents know the affection they have garnered from all your awesome stories about them? feed him lots of noodles! xo

  10. Happy weekend! Happy Friday! And happy birthday to you dad! :)

  11. Happy birthday to your dad. It sounds like you guys will have a lot of fun! :)

  12. aww happy birthday to your dad! hope he had a good celebration!

  13. Happy Birthday to your dad! That's an awesome pic btw.

  14. Is your sister in Pdx yet? Because we got pounded by snow, so much it nearly stopped the city for five days. It hadn't happened like this in years they said. People were skiing on roads, no joke. I myself snowboarded on our road... Anyway, stay warm! :)

  15. Happy birthday to your dad!


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