Warrior one

Mishmashim's etsy Shop
This warrior princess may be a little more warrior and a little less princess.  Okay a lot less princess.  Between mopping up runny green snot from a spigot of a nose, sopping up and disinfecting bloody wounds (that was yesterday), scaring off coyotes, sweeping out brown recluses and black widows, and shoveling steaming piles of poo, I think I have the warrior part under control.  And that's just my hobby.  Disrespect a friend, cheat on a girl friend, you better believe that I will come charging at you, full steam and sword a-blazing.  With my sh*t-kicking boots on, no less, no high heels for this warrior.

Which is why I have a devoted number of friends (and family) who have seen to it as their goal (or maybe even life calling) to make sure that I retain some minuscule portion of the 'princess' part of my title.

They are the ones who recommend that I apply, reapply, and then apply the hand cream yet again.  Thank you Emmy for the wonderful recommendation of O'Keeffe's Working Hands.  Ladies and gents who are rough on your hands - get it and never feel chapped skin ever again.

They are the ones who, for my birthday and just random off days, send packages with face masks, Smith's Rosebud salve, bath salts, nail polish, and jewelry.  All those lovely, pink, girly-smelling items that I never can be bothered to actually pick up for myself at the store.  They are the ones who then call me afterward and explain the proper usage.

They are the ones who plug the gaping wounds of my heart, encourage aggressively productive behavior, and never judge when I have a moment of weakness and softness.  They teach me how to apply self tanner and applaud my attempts to fancy myself up in a dress and slather makeup on this disaster area of a face.

Thank you for keeping this warrior princess two parts warrior and one part princess.  For you, I'll always do battle.


  1. Right on, sistah! And you're very welcome, Rooth:D Warriors and princesses always could use a good hand cream.

  2. As usual, something silly popped into my head. But no failed humor today, just respect. See what you inspire!?!

    PS - I think it's more like 3 parts warrior, 2 parts princess...but no need to quibble. :)

  3. Or maybe 5 parts warrior and 4 parts princess. No, 7 parts warrior, 5 parts princess and 1 part nerd! :D

  4. The teeny part princess is what makes you, you! It's fun to do that stuff even if it is reluctantly.

    Have you tried those 'Jason' face masks? They are fabric and make me feel like I'm starring in a horror movie but work really well. :)

  5. Firstly, rosebud salve is a godsend. Secondly, I sincerely hope you have as awesome a battle cry as Xena did, you warrior princess you! xo

  6. i think being a princess is a little overrated, i'd rather be a warrior any day. but i guess i am just not the princess type naturally either. i remember when i was younger and i couldn't wear a skirt or a dress i felt so weird! like an impostor in my own body and i was sure everyone was looking at me thinking i looked as awkward as i felt. but i've come a long way since then and it is nice to feel that feminine side once in awhile too, and i am completely addicted to make-up now. xo

  7. I think I totally need to check out that hand cream. This cold weather has totally ruined my hands.

  8. Life has a way of bringing out the warrior consistently... it's up to keep the Princess alive and thriving :) Both are equally important.

  9. YES to shit-kicking boots and rosebud salve. Hear Ruth roar!

  10. Oh my, I have that rosebud salve lip balm and it is soooo good!

  11. <3 this post :)

    ps. I must try that hand cream!

  12. OMFG I need to go find that hand cream!

  13. This is today's woman for sure. Warrior, yet princess!

  14. What a great post Rooth :)
    To have people who cares about you, isn't that the greatest strength for a warrior?

  15. Great princess. I like all of the details you included. I am all into powerfully strong women.

  16. oh, fuck it, all that princessy stuff is overrated! you are perfect just the way you are xoxo

  17. I love it . . . sigh.

    Of course, I think it's incredibly important to have that warrior side as well.


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