Can't stop, won't stop

What is that you say?  You still can't get enough about little ol' me?  Well how can I deny that request, especially with you peering at me with your big droopy puppy dog eyes.  Aki! at 7% Solution tagged me in her Liebster Award and poses some hilarious questions so I shall endeavor to answer them to the best of my ability.

Con Air Hair
What is your favorite Nicolas Cage movie?  This question made me "LOL" for real because Nic Cage, for some odd reason, is one of my sister's favourite actors (the odd reason is probably that my sister is odd).  Siri loves him in Con Air but I think his best is The Rock.  Mostly because of Sean Connery though.

PS - Have you guys ever noticed his hair in the movies he does?  How could you miss it, really?  Why does it always look so crazy?  Is it some Hollywood inside joke amongst Hollywood makeup artists?

PPS - Guys, this would be a great Halloween costume theme party.  Nic Cage throughout the ages.

What is your favorite Nickelback song?  You know that old saying - Hear one Nickelback song, heard them all.  That's okay though?  I like Rockstar just because of the line - "So I can eat my meals for free.  (I'll have the quesadilla, ha, ha)."  I'd take a free quesadilla too, Nickelback.  K thx.

Best meme ever
Do you find yourself using internet memes in daily speech?  Unfortunately (or fortunately) I don't.  But the Condescending Wonka is one of my favourite internet memes.  However, I do find myself quoting Kid Snippets and Kid History (if you guys haven't watched those videos on the Youtubes, you really need to). 

About how many make up products do you find yourself wearing daily? None? About 5? About 10? More?  None - how utterly embarrassing.  I don't have any excuses either.  I am lazy and don't feel like it?  I also don't want to set expectations that I'll be better looking on a daily basis.  I mean, what happens if one day I get marooned on a desert island with y'all and without a makeup kit?  Then you'd all ask - who's that ugly chick we got stranded with and I wonder what she tastes like.

Also, I think this is why people ask my sister and I who's older, even though she's four years younger.  And it really pisses her off.  I think I may continue not wearing makeup for that exact reason.

Earrings, bracelets, or necklaces?  Earrings.  I can't keep anything else on long enough.  I'm a fiddler.  I lose half my jewelry this way so I decided to just stop wearing most of it. 

Do you bruise easily?  Definitely.  Like a peach.

Do you burp in front of your significant other?  Okay, second weird thing.  Maybe not the second and more like the third or fourth.  I don't burp, hardly ever.  Maybe once or twice a year.  Which makes drinking anything carbonated extremely uncomfortable.  And that's all we'll say about that topic before it gets truly awkward. 

Do you still lick envelopes?  How else are you supposed to close them?  Hot glue?  Stickers?  So maybe sometimes I still use stickers.  At least I don't have a sticker collection anymore.  (Shh!  It's at my parents' house.)

What sound do you hate? Something that just irritates you so much! (Popping gum, smacking lips, etc)  Smacking lips drives me crazy.  I'd rather those people just never eat again.

Where do you want to be a year from now?  Alive, healthy and in my beach side / mountain top mansion planning the lottery barbecue / masquerade ball that I'm going to be inviting you all to.

When do you think is the best age/stage in life to move in with your significant other?  When you're both mature enough to handle it.  Yes, I realize that some people never reach this maturity level.  That's why they get married.  Kidding, kidding...

Here's my question to all of you.  How many of you clicked to read my blog post because of the Nicolas Cage mullet-man picture at the top?  Don't you dare lie.


  1. Nicholas Cage totally has funky hair. SO BAD.

    My hubby used to not be able to burp either. I remember the days when he complained of the discomfort. ... Then one day, he finally figured out how, and now does so with gusto. And often. I look back on the early days fondly.

    My dad does this thing when he's done eating where he kind of makes this weird sound with his mouth from sucking his teeth (instead of using a toothpick). It's so gross and it drives me INSANE. I know of no other sound that gets me like that one. (Except maybe the sound of Nancy Grace's voice?)

  2. The north face one hahahahahaha! I live in Louisiana and girls here ALWAYS wear north face jackets during winter and its not even cold! It's usually in the 50s at its coldest! The only time I wore a north face jacket was when I went hiking in the Himalayas in Bhutan and that will be the only time I wore one (:

  3. Oh I love reading these tidbits about you! The North Face cracks me up! And I'm wearing bracelets right now, but I'm definitely an earring girl too.

  4. Great post Rooth and congrats on the award. I loved reading through this and I'm a huge Nic Cage fan, that's a good question about his favorite movie of mine. I would have to say Family Man or The Rock



  5. I totes clicked on your post because of Nicolas! You got me! And yes...The Rock, followed by Ghost Rider....bwahaha!
    Great Q&A, Auntie Rooth!

  6. I used to be a Nic Cage fan. He had such a promising career as a real actor and then something happened. Another great questionnaire with you being your brilliantly funny self. Nice way to end Friday. Happy weekend, Rooth!

  7. Hahaha i'm so glad you took the time to do this, i LOVE your answers. First of all, if you have not seen the Nic Cage movie Adaptation, you are missing out. He plays two characters, who are identical twins. It is one of the weirdest movies I've ever seen but it is soooo incredibly good (and I admit depressing).

    I spend way too much time on the Pinterest humor section and am always clicking on the memes. Condescending Wonka is good and there's one that makes fun of Ina Garten that's pretty funny too.

    Great post! TGIF!

  8. I haven't seen the film, but I've heard Cage's performance in The Wicker Man was reminiscent of Olivier in his prime. LOL I've enjoyed a Cage film or two. I actually liked Ghostwriter--but it was disturbing that his character supposedly knew Eva Mendes from when they were kids. Too big an age difference.

    Rockstar is good...difficult to choose between that and If Today Was Your Last Day or If Everyone Cared.

    No burping? Well, but, then...nevermind! I love carbonation, but I'm on a flat-drinks only binge right now.

  9. I've never understood the NC's appeal...

    Loved reading your answers! I wear about 10 make-up products daily. It's the same with my sis and me; she's five years younger and we get asked who the oldest is. Difference is, I'm the one with the full make-up! You may want to reconsider... :)

  10. Your Halloween theme party for Nic Cage throughout the ages is hilarious. I have to get rid of all these mental images of Nic Cage in various movies now. :)

  11. Hahaha. Thanks for answering all these questions. Yes, some (all?) of them were very weird.

  12. I don't burp much either! Although, I hardly ever drink carbonated drinks.

  13. Ugh, I agree about the hair. I'm not sure why it's usually crazy. Why is it that people who cross the "makeup threshold" look older than they are. I thought I was the only one who felt that way!

  14. Ha! I clicked to read your post despite the Nicholas Cage photo. Man he drives me crazy, I have no idea why he just really gets on my nerves.

  15. this is really funny. what weird questions, but i like weird questions so it works for me. i also love that your labeled this post "awkward" : ) xx

  16. I love these questions. The only thing that drives me completely crazy are the sound of nail files. I would jump off bridges to avoid that sound.

  17. Really? You've just inspired my next blog post :D

  18. Haha, Nicolas Cage movies and Creed songs? This survey sounds hard!

  19. LOL!!! Oh man! I'm just catching up with my reader and this one has totally made my Thursday!


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